Biography of
Teng, Shu-Ming




Brief Biography of Teng, Shu-Ming



滕淑明女史, 現任美國中華藝術學會理事,水墨山水師承海派勞繼雄老師, 工筆則承母親及兄長,淑明女史靜好沉浸於水墨世界,熱情執著, 傾力用心耕耘筆墨,堅持繪畫創作理念,需以大自然的千姿百態及 煙雲薄霧多層次的變化做模本,足跡遍尋世界著名山水名勝,細心觀察, 外師造化,再以現代色彩的融入,表現出不同於一般創作意境的個人獨特風格, 作品優雅,極富魅力,甚受收藏者之喜愛. 淑明女史,平日熱心公益事業,尤以2005年為凡杜拉市音樂協會基金籌款, 以手繪一把唐朝仕女小提琴,在同類競標中以最高價一萬元賣出,心感榮焉. 2006,至日本名古屋市博物館舉辦第8回個展,並奪得國際藝術大獎, 同年頒發洛杉磯文物局獎狀.及聯邦國會議員獎狀, 1998年到2012,已展出14回個人畫展及38回聯展.

Introduction of Artist

Teng Shuming is a current council member of the American Chinese Art Association. Her landscape and ink painting skills were refined through the apprenticeship with renowned artist Lao Jixiong and her delicate brushwork was initially inspired by her mother and elder brother. Shuming thoroughly enjoys her world of painting. She is persistent to the concept of creation, as in the wonder of nature. Her footprints around the world demonstrate her dedication to the continuous perseverance of this concept, as her observation of nature often reflects in her art, along with her unique combination of modern colors into the traditional ink paintings. Elegance and grace reveal through her personal and unique style, and her creative paintings are treasured by many collectors.

Shuming is also very enthusiastic about public welfare. In 2005, her hand-painted violin with the theme of Tang Dynasty had bid to the highest selling price of $10,000 US dollars during a fund raising event for the Ventura Music Association. In 2006, her Eighth Solo Art Exhibition at the Nagoya City Museum in Japan had won her the International Art Award. Issued in the same year were the Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Award and an Honorary Certificate of Merit from US Congresswoman – Dr. Judy Chu. From 1998 to 2012, Shuming had 14 solo exhibitions and 38 group exhibition.




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